Green Commuting and Telecommuting
Anton Sport fully embraces the 21st century. In order to do our part in keeping our air clean from pollution produced by multiple automobiles, we have designed a cutting edge transportation initiative. This initiative will not only reduce our carbon footprint but will promote greener transportation by our employees outside of our office.
A Few Ways we Support the Environment
- Carpooling: We encourage all our employees to carpool. Carpooling to work reduces pollution produced by getting multiple people to take one car rather than having multiple cars traveling to the same location. As an incentive to get employees to carpool we are offering carpool-only parking spots. These parking spots will have a premium location, right in front of our employee entrance, which will entice carpooling. These spots will be marked by a carpool sign.
- Public Transportation: We are encouraging our employees that can’t set up a carpool to take public transportation. There are many public transportation choices to our Tempe, Arizona office location. The bus, light rail and tram are all options for employees to reach their destination. Anton Sport will subsidize public transportation, offering a stipend to reduce costs to any employee that wishes to use public transportation to come to work. By getting our employees to use public transportation, we can reduce the carbon footprint that would be produced by their cars.
- Compressed Work Week: At Anton Sport we offer flexible hours. Depending on employee position and job functions, we allow our employees to work four, 10 hour days a week. This will allow them to be in office one less day a week, which saves them a drive into work. One less day of work a week equates to 52 fewer commutes to work a year, which is a reduction in pollution emitted on those days. We are also offering flexible hours, which allows our employees to commute to and from work during non peak driving hours, meaning their cars are on the road less and producing less pollution.
- Teleconferencing: In an ultimate effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we are offering teleconferencing and the ability to work from home. By using services such as Skype and Google Documents, employees can engage in teleconferencing. This allows them to complete their office duties at home, saving them a drive into work. This is an ideal option for employees who live too far away to use public transportation or car pools.
- Sponsored Bike: Since 2009, Anton Sport has provided a company bicycle for employees who are able to ride to work. The bike has been used by employees who live nearby and by students who commute to our office after their classes at ASU.
By giving our employees these options, we feel we will be doing our part to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint.